Why Christianity and what is it?

Christianity is the faith that is founded on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a faith that is lived by grace, but with the willingness to be constantly changing from within through the power of a loving God. Christianity recognizes that human beings cannot change themselves, no matter how good they think they are, because each human being is created with a spiritual void – hence the need to allow God to dwell within the heart and make the change. Christianity simply means, “Christ-in”, or Christ lives within the heart. Therefore, Christ-in people are followers of Jesus Christ. Christians were originally called, “followers of the Way.”1

Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus is the Holy Son of God. He was God revealed in the flesh. He lived among human beings in the land of Israel over 2,000 years ago. At His first coming, He was given to the world in the form of a human baby, through a girl named Mary, who was a virgin, before she got married to her fiancé, Joseph.

Church of Nativity, Cave of Jesus' birth

Church of Nativity, Cave of Jesus’ birth as it is today, believed to have been built in the location of the animal cave where Christ was born (used by permission).

God’s power made it possible for Mary to conceive, therefore, Jesus’ conception and birth was holy. After His resurrection, Jesus returned to Heaven; but He promised His followers that He will return again to earth at God’s appointed time. At His second coming, He will return to judge the world, this time, not as a baby, but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.2

Why was it necessary for Jesus to die?
Because of our sin. The first people to sin were Adam and Eve. When Adam sinned, his spiritual life died and left a void in his life. From then on, he could no longer live in the presence of God and communicate directly with Him. Because of this original sin, which now permeates humanity, and discloses itself in many forms, none of Adam’s descendants is holy and therefore no one can save himself, or herself. Though Jesus was born in the land of Israel to a Jewish mother, His death and bodily resurrection made it possible for anyone who repents of sin and chooses to follow Him, to be saved by grace, regardless of their race; whether they’re rich or poor; highly educated, or not; male, or female.3

The Bible teaches that salvation is by grace through faith, not a reward for good works.4 No one can gain salvation through scientific experimentation, or self-realization; salvation is a spiritual transformation through a simple, child-like faith that believes that Jesus saves. Supposing a father tells his child he is going to the store to get the child a box of chocolate and he will return in an hour, the child will sit and wait, trusting that the father will return with a box of chocolate in an hour. If the child asks any question, it would probably be something like, “Is Daddy home yet? Is it almost an hour? How long is an hour? Can I stand outside and wait for Daddy to come home with my box of chocolate?” It is most unlikely that the child will get into a long dissertation over the merits, or demerits of a box of chocolate, or his dad’s promise, let alone run around the house looking for chores to do so he can earn his box of chocolate. His father made the promise, his father will fulfill his promise. Those who become followers of Jesus do so by faith in God’s saving power through Christ. Jesus Christ is a gift to anyone who humbles himself, or herself, and receives Him.5

Jesus said to His disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn’t have their kind of faith will never enter into the Kingdom of God.” 6

For more about Followers of Jesus Christ, please read the Christian Bible, and contact the pastor of a local evangelical church, if you can find one close to you.

Bible References:
New King James Version (NKJV)
The Book: The New Living Translation (NLT)

1. John 14: 6; Romans 10: 9; Acts 11: 25.
2. John 1: 1 – 18; Luke 1: 26 – 38; Acts 1: 6 – 11; Revelation 19: 11 – 16.
3. Genesis 3: 1 – 24; John 1: 29 – 31; I Corinth 15: 21 – 22.
4. Ephesians 2: 8 – 9.
5. Romans 5: 1 – 2.
6. Luke 18: 16 – 17